Friday, March 19, 2010

Genocide: Destroyer of Hope

gen·o·cide (jn-sd)  n.  The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of an entire national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.
[Greek genos, race; see gen- in Indo-European roots + -cide.]
geno·cidal (-sdl) adj.
geno·cidal·ly adv.

Africa is a continent with rich cultural diversity.  With 53 countries, over 750 ethnic groups, and approximately 2000 languages, this diversity would seem to be the cause of disagreement, conflict, violence, and war.  But it is not the diversity of the people that causes the conflict, conflict that often leads to genocide.  The common factors  in Africa's regions of genocide include:  1)  extreme poverty 2) failed government systems unable to successfully transistion from colony to independent nation, and 3) a dependence upon resources, such as oil and diamonds, often used to fund a war lord's army and campaign. 

However, genocide is more than a definition in a dictionary.  It is more than the discussion as the root cause of such "horriffic violence and destruction".  For millions in Africa, genocide is the reality that the people of any gender, of any age, and of any religious persuasion must endure on a daily basis.  What does genocide look like?  Thanks to the The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, you can see up close just how destructive genocide is globally, particularly in Africa.  Follow the link provided below to bear witness to the violence, the destruction, and even the resilience of those most affected.

Photo Gallery:  Genocide


Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,

That is so sad. I just viewed that link. I had no idea such a thing still existed. How hypocritical can our society be? I hope they manage to spread word and save a life somewhere. Thanks for sharing.