Friday, January 8, 2010

If The World Were A Village

If the world were a village, what does the world look like? The Minature Earth Project created a video to let you know the reality of so many in our world.  Watch this video.  See where you stand.  Look at your neighbors.  Decide, "What will I do?"  Do you reach out or do you just go home, ignoring those "others" who live in your village?

I am wondering.  What if we honestly looked at the world as simply just one village, all of us neighbors, just with different experiences?  It seems if we looked at those suffering in the world as our neighbors, rather than "those people over there" that we might feel more compelled to reach out, move beyond our comfortable lives to make a difference, to create a better world. 

I watch this video, see the numbers and do the math.  How heart breaking to realize that so few have so much, while the many have so little, suffering greatly.  It is heart breaking that I have done so little to help my neighbors and my neighhbors' children.

Then, I remember change is not impossible, nor is it improbable.  Each one of us can light a single candle bringing more light into this world.  It takes just one flame of hope to stop the dark.

--Power of Only One